Ty Ivinenn Braz Route Planner
  1. Come off the N24 Express, sign posted BAUD and when you reach the round about, head for direction BAUD.
  2. Head for the church in Baud, 2 km from round about, a straight road, you will pass Champion supermarket, once you see the church, you are now in the centre of Baud.
  3. With the Church now opposite you, turn left and head for Chapelle – Neuve, keep going straight for about 2 km
  4. There is a big manor house on your right, turn directly right after the manor house, sign posted Chapelle- Neuve.
  5. continue for 2.5 kms, you will go over a mini round about, keep going until you see the sign on your right marked KEROUIDEN. Here the road forks, follow the fork down until you reach Ty Ivinenn Braz on your right hand side.

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from £50 return on www.speedferries.com
Travel distance: Boulogne - Ty Ivinenn Braz, Time  5 hr 40 min


Cross channel ferries

Channel tunnel



Car hire

Road maps and route information.

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